A Different Kind of Psychic Test

One of my favorite movies growing up was “Ghostbusters.”

I think it was in Ghostbusters 1 (not sure), but there was a scene where the psychologist/paranormal investigator, Peter Vankman, gave some people a psychic test. He was using cards with symbols on it and telling the participants to guess what symbol was on the card without seeing them.

Lo and behold, I had a fun game where a client also had me do a similar test. Except he showed me pictures of himself, and I had to guess his sexuality, what his wife looked like and her sexual nature, what kind of apps were on his phone, and his favorite sexual position.

You know I got pretty much all of them right? 😂 I didn’t really get any wrong; he never told me if I was right about his wife being slightly masculine. But I guessed she would be cute, and she was!

Don’t sign me up for doing psychic readings yet. I was pretty much just guessing my ass off. But either way, it was a fun game, and I enjoyed it.

Gotta game you want to play with me? Give me a call or text me and come test my psychic abilities

*puts fingers to temples in deep psychic concentration.*