Okay, so hear me out on this one…
A friend and I were pitching role-play ideas. We eventually came up with a storyline for “The Purge Jr.” It’s the purge, except everyone is going around spanking each other with belts instead of slaughtering each other.
You might laugh, but I think it’s a step towards a kinder, gentler world. Instead of blood and guts…red butts.
Also, Abuela can get in on the action finally and beat people over the head with Chanclas.
This is exactly what the world needs anyway. A big fucking spanking. Mass discipline. Also, kinky, freaky sexiness because I’m a girl who likes a good whap on the bottom when I miss behave.
I’m thinking of pitching this idea to Spielberg. Assuming he’s still alive, of course…
Anyway, keep an eye on my blog for more developments; I’m already thinking of who I can cast for a lead in this movie. I got one guy in mind…

Count me in. For the game, not the movie. Your ass is eminently spankable.